Hey !!! What's goodie good gud creator,,universe,,family & freinds....
Today in the "most recommended" DMX,,now the hommie X was arrested Wednesday night for speeding..Reports say X was driving 102 mph in a 65 mph zone on a suspended license..Now DMX was recently released from prison after serving eight months on a twelve month bid for a parole violation of drug uses...

X plans to file a lawsuit against the state of Arizona for harassment,,X says th@ he's in discussion with multiple lawyers th@ are not afraid to go against the system in clearing his name...Reps of DMX say th@ this situation is blown way out of proportion and also the report given by Sgt. Rudy Lujan of AHP, was exaggerated according to the people present..X was held in jail for 1 hour after being released on bond...He also states th@ he do admit going 85 mph but 100 mph was exaggerated & harassment by Arizona law Enforcement...DMX says this, 'God brought me to Phoenix and I'm not going to let no man run me and my family from our home!'Despite of being in the public eye DMX is doing everything he could to put criminal charges behind him & focus on music...
If u want more update & good music sign up here DARKSIDEMUSIC.NET
Spread the word th@ will be highly appreciated
Till next time I'm gone....
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