Hey,,hey,,hey !!

What's really unusual is th@ they concealed this information from the public for four months,,And It was finally confirmed on Thursday th@ the Texas rapper was incarcerated last Oct. & held in the Montgomery County Jail..FACE is also facing additional federal charges that have not yet been updated & publicly disclosed..Before being incarcerated FACE was working on his Twelfth album "THE HABIT" which I know is going to be worth waiting for with features from DRAKE & JOHN LEGEND and a few other guest appearances...
Despite all the bullshit th@ the media leaks out never mentioning anything good for a cause,,FACE is back home relaxing & working on a bunch of new material to be released to the streets & according to representatives,,it wont take no time for the artist to get the ball back rolling..This just comes to show you you're here one day gone the next without anyone even noticing,,and the only people it matters to is the ones who truly love you ..Welcome home FACE stay up & enjoy your freedom hommie,,after all you are a legend in this game we need you around..
If u want more update & good music sign up here DARKSIDEMUSIC.NET
Spread the word th@ will be highly appreciated
Till next time I'm gone....
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